第4回 アップル、新しいiPhone用開発ツールでPGを“woo”

DOW JONES Business English

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Apple Woos Developers with New iPhone Tools

Apple Inc. said it will give programmers several new tools that they can use to build software for its iPhone. The company also announced features for the phone that users have said are long overdue, including the ability to copy and paste text.

On Tuesday, Apple previewed some of the 1000 new "building blocks" that developers can use to make programs for distribution through the company's App Store.

Some of the new features allow developers to make programs they couldn't before, by incorporating instant messaging, turn-by-turn map directions and streaming audio.

Apple also said it would give developers more flexibility in how they can get paid for content, such as through subscriptions and small transactions.

The changes show how software has become an increasingly important way for Apple to keep profiting from iPhones, even after consumers have bought the devices. The App Store is also strategically significant, since it keeps consumers tied to using their iPhones.

Apple said the new operating system will be available this summer as a free upgrade to iPhone owners. An upgrade for the iPod Touch will cost $9.95.

Source:The Wall Street Journal
Original Date:2009/03/18
Industry Category:
Topic:Technology and Communication


Looking Ahead

Apple Woos Developers with New iPhone Tools

Apple Inc. said it will give programmers several new tools that they can use to build software for its iPhone.

Thinking Ahead


Key Concepts

 “building block”は、基本要素、基本部分のことです。

 “operating system”は、コンピュータプログラムを制御するソフトウェアのことです。

 “streaming audio”は、ユーザーがコンピュータにダウンロードせず、インターネットから直接再生することができる方式のことです。


 “small transaction”は、小口の取り引きのことです。

Key Vocabulary

Vocabulary Meaning Example
distribution [noun]:the process of supplying customers, businesses, etc. with products
Developers can make programs for distribution through the App store.
incorporate [verb]:to include something as part of a larger whole
The new tools allow developers to incorporate features they couldn't before.
flexibility [noun]:the quality of being adaptable or able to change easily
Developers will have more flexibility in how they can get paid for content.
overdue [adj]:not done or happening when expected or when needed; late
Some users have said that the new tools are long overdue.
preview [verb]:to show something publicly before it is ready for the market
Apple previewed some of its new building blocks on Tuesday.


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