第2回 デル業績悪化。原因は"Shipments"の下落

DOW JONES Business English

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Dell 4Q Net Down 48% on Global Sales Woes

Dell Inc.'s fiscal fourth-quarter net income fell 48%. Shipments fell globally and the economic slowdown continued to hurt technology spending. Rival Hewlett-Packard Co. also reported that its latest-quarter net income fell 13%.

Despite the weak quarterly performance, Dell shares rose 4.6% to $8.60 from the Thursday close of $8.21. The company said it will cut $4 billion in costs by the end of its fiscal 2011. That's $1 billion more than it initially planned last March.

Dell Chief Financial Officer Brian Gladden said that he saw a protracted slowdown ahead as well as weakness during its current quarter. He added that the extra $1 billion in cost cuts will come from across the company, but didn't provide additional details. He did not rule out additional layoffs.

Dell has been cutting costs, boosting promotions and reducing its work force as part of a plan to remove $3 billion in costs over three years. However, Chief Executive Michael Dell's turnaround plan that started in 2007 has faltered, causing two top executives to leave Dell late last year. The company's stock has lost two-thirds of its value the past six months.

Source: Dow Jones Newswires
Original Date: 2009/02/27
Industry Category: IT/Telecom
Topic: Finance


Looking Ahead

Dell 4Q Net Down 48% on Global Sales Woes

Dell Inc.'s fiscal fourth-quarter net income fell 48%. Shipments fell globally and the economic slowdown continued to hurt technology spending.

Thinking Ahead


・ コンピュータメーカーは、売り上げ不振による業績悪化の問題を解決するために何ができるのでしょう。

Key Concepts

 "turnaround plan"とは、赤字の事業を立て直すための改革計画です。

 "net income"は、総売上高から税額、利息、減価償却分、経費を差し引いたものです。net profitとも呼ばれます。

Key Vocabulary

Vocabulary Meaning Example
woe [noun]:trouble、 distress
Dell's fourth-quarter net income is down 48% due to global sales woes.
falter [verb]:to lose strength or effectiveness
Chief Executive Michael Dell's turnaround plan has faltered.
boost [verb]: to increase or strengthen
Dell has been boosting promotions to remove $3 billion in costs over three years.
initially [adv]:originally、at the beginning or at first
Dell will cut $1 billion more than it initially planned last March.
promotion [noun]:advertising or publicity
Dell has been boosting promotions to remove $3 billion in costs over three years.


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